Have you been diagnosed with IBS and yet given very little information on how to get better?

Or do you suspect you have IBS because you have chronic abdominal pain with chronic diarrhea and/or constipation? And yet no one has given you a clear diagnosis?

Do you struggle with ongoing symptoms despite trying a number of different dietary eliminations, medications, supplements & other treatments (eg. SIBO treatment)?

Do you feel confused about how you were diagnosed? And worried that something else might have been missed?

Are you frustrated by the unpredictability of your symptoms, and feel like you’re missing out on life?

If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place!!

Keep reading to learn more about how Dr. Lovink’s IBS Relief Roadmap program can help.

The IBS Relief Roadmap

Over years of clinical practise, Dr. Lovink has developed an evidence-based approach to treating IBS that addresses each person’s unique triggers and health history. While most IBS patients share some common underlying dysfunctions, there are vast differences in terms of what works for each person. It is these nuances that, when identified, form the foundation of a successful IBS treatment plan.

Over the course of several months, Dr. Lovink will guide you through each of the 4 Stages of the IBS Relief Roadmap.

The goal of the IBS Relief Roadmap program is to take you from frustrated & confused to empowered and symptom free!

By the end of the program you will:

Understand what IBS is and what may have led you to develop it (this fosters acceptance & empowerment)

Feel confident in the diagnosis & feel empowered with the tools to live your life freely again

Have clarity on your unique triggers and know how to navigate them with ease & confidence

Be armoured with a personalized toolkit of resources that not only get you well, but keep you well

Be confident & equipped to troubleshoot your own gut symptoms

The 4 Stages of the IBS Relief Roadmap


The Initial Assessment is the stage of care where a thorough medical history review and diagnostic testing provides the backbone for an accurate diagnosis. Once established, this sets the stage for the development of your unique IBS Relief Roadmap. Dr. Lovink runs evidence-based testing to rule out other diagnosis & understand your baseline health status.


CALM: Symptom Improvement & Reducing Gut Reactivity

During this stage the main goal is to provide short-term relief from symptoms. While we are not necessarily treating the “root cause” yet, we are helping to ease gut reactivity & improve gut-brain communication. You will also clearly understand what IBS is and start to develop key insights into your unique triggers. 


PERSONALIZE: IBS-Friendly Diet & Lifestyle Routines

Once we have calmed the gut & symptoms, we then move on to individualizing and building diet & lifestyle routines that are the foundation of maintaining lifelong IBS Relief. This includes items such as identifying dietary triggers, meal hygiene, establishing eating schedules, bathroom habits/training, addressing your relationship to food, pelvic floor health, IBS-friendly exercise & more!! The degree to which we dive into each piece will depend on your baseline and unique health factors. The insight & tools established in this stage of care is an essential and lifelong piece of your IBS freedom.


COMMUNICATION: Integration of Gut-Brain Therapies

At this point in care, most patients are feeling good in their gut again and have established predictability and confidence in their bowels again. However, to maintain longevity with improvements & to address any ongoing barriers (dietary triggers, hypervigilence etc) we have to correct & build resilience into how the brain & gut are communicating. We employ a variety of tools that do this from Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy (GDG), to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), to the use of certain medications that target gut receptors & the microbiome. 



This is the final stage of IBS treatment and builds upon all the individual knowledge and insight you’ve gained up to this point. A hallmark of success in IBS treatment isn’t necessarily being symptom-free forever, but rather it’s in having the tools, knowledge & confidence in how to get back on track quickly and with minimal interruption to your daily life. We armour you with a toolkit of resources & knowledge in knowing how to stay well in the long-term. 

To get started on your IBS Relief journey, book in for a Discovery Call with Dr. Lovink. This is an opportunity for you to ask more questions about the IBS Relief Roadmap and to make sure it’s a good fit.

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